First off, I just want to apologise for my last post, where I asked you to share the link for my latest eBook in return for a free copy. On reflection, I realise that was shoddy behaviour from me. I had no right to ask you to share stuff and as loyal readers of this blog you deserve better from me.
So here is the link for your free copy of the eBook: Home Maintenance Checklist (the password is ‘handycrowd’). Do what you want with it, read it, share it, delete it or feed it to your virtual pet parrot. Totally your choice 🙂
DIY fail; err, just a little bit…
Here are three pics of some truly terrible DIY I found on one of my jobs this week. Lucky me as I sought to get the house ready for sale. See, so you have nothing to worry about, you’re probably way ahead of this guy…
I’m thinking that this guy didn’t care much about the quality of his (or her) handiwork. Still, it means more money for me to sort out before the impending house sale…

The DIY videos on YouTube tell you to cut off the door architraves and slide the laminate flooring underneath, but I don’t think they meant you to cut them quite so high… The easiest way is to rest your saw on a small off-cut of the flooring you’re using, this acts as a guide and cuts off just enough to get the flooring underneath.

Plasterboards will hold a reasonable weight, on a wall. On a ceiling, not so much. Especially with this screw in style of fastener and especially not a heavy wardrobe door channel… I’d have gone up into the loft space and screwed 2 or 3 wooden ‘noggins’ (2″ x 4″ or 50mm x 100mm) in between the ceiling joists, over the top of the channels position to provide something solid to screw into.

One screw. That’s all it takes, just one screw. To remove the front of this particular power outlet. Then you can easily run the wallpaper behind the power outlet and you’d have lovely crisp lines behind the edges of the socket. It would have taken the guy longer to do it like this…
I can tell you’re feeling cheered up no end about your own practical skills right about now :-). No matter how poor you think your DIY skills are, trust me there are many folks out there who are worse and dare I say it; some of them do this for a living!
Hope you all have a great weekend, our hot run of weather (6 weeks!) has finally broken and we are getting some much needed rain. Should all be fine again at the weekend though, hopefully.
Stay well