How to remove big nails easily

This tip is probably one of the first things a new carpenter or builder will learn on site when pulling out big nails during a demolition job. As you might have already found out, big nails can be pretty tough to pull out and this is all to do with the friction added by pulling the nail at the wrong angle. This can pretty much lock the nail in place and you’ll need a lot of force to wrench it free. Fortunately here is a simple solution. Using a claw …

Dangerous: loose clothing, power tools and DIY

When I looked down at my shredded glove I hesitated to take it off, because I couldn’t even feel my fingers and I was afraid of what I might find. We probably all remember from our school tech. classes not to wear a tie when using a lathe etc., but ties are not the only clothing you need to watch carefully when working with power tools. I was unfortunate enough to have an accident this week wearing gloves, yes the very same gloves I was wearing to protect my hands! I don’t …