Holding a cycle whilst trying to repair or maintain it is a pain.
But not any more for me though, because today I made myself a quick and easy tool to hold a bike steady whilst I do what needs to be done. For example; this week I’ve been repainting and re-purposing my daughters old bike for my younger son. A ‘rat’ bike he wanted, as ‘black as your hat’ he said…
I’d seen cycle maintenance stands in the store of course, but found it difficult to justify the outlay for the few times I really need one, but this time I was really struggling to set up the rear derailleur gear set with the bike on the ground. So I said, what’s in the shop that I can quickly use to hold this blooming bicycle still whilst I fiddle with the settings?
Ok, I admit it. At this point I did head inside to google the way that commercial cycle stands hold the bike lol! Drinking my coffee I found most were just a ‘pinch’ type arrangement around the cycle seat stem. OK, that should be easy enough to replicate methinks…
Here’s what I came up with using…
A 2″ x 4″ pallet bearer (of course!), a hinge and a ‘quick’ clamp.
Grab a hold of a piece of 2″ x 4″ (48mm x 98mm) timber and drill a hole slightly smaller than the diameter of the tube you want to hold through the widest side about 3″ (75mm) in from the end . I went for a 22mm hole as the seat stem was 25mm. Then cut along the middle of the timber going straight through your hole until you’ve cut about 8″ (200mm) or so into the wood. Then crosscut one side off. Re-affix this piece using the hinge. Now you have a kind of flap containing half your hole with the other half in the fixed side. Hang on, it’s going to be easier to look at the pictures, see……

Drill a 7/8″ (22mm) hole about 3″ (75mm) in, all the way through the widest side of the 2″ by 4″ (48mm x 98mm) either straight or at an angle if you want to ‘counter’ the cycles seat stems angle (helps level up the cycle when on the stand).

Make a long cut through the centre of the timber right through the hole you just drilled. Stop about 8″ (20cm) in.

Cross cut down to the long cut until it comes free and then screw the hinge over the cut to ‘re-attach’ it forming a flap.

Then hold up the cycle into the hole you drilled and fasten a ‘quick clamp’ over the timber, pinching the seat stem (or top tube).
I mounted this cycle stand to an old scaffolding trestle I have with more quick clamps, but you can fasten it to anything you have that’s sturdy enough to hold it. I am thinking of making mine more permanent by screwing it to the workshop wall on a hinged bracket that swings out of the way when not needed. What do you think, any ideas to improve on this 10 minute design? Let me know in the comments…
Stay well
Comments 2
1 Drill close to the clamp point to fit a long bolt with a wing nut to make it easier to clamp the bike without a separate clamp.
2 Attach a length of pipe to the clamp so that the bike can be rotated to the right angle. Attach the pipe with “U” clamps, and fit wing nuts on at least one so that the bike can be held at the right angle.
Thanks for the tips David! I only used the quickclamp because I use so many at work and in the workshop, so one is never far away. Your mod. is a great addition for anyone who doesn’t have one handy!
Cheers and thanks for the comment 🙂