Every paint manufacturer recommends that prior to applying new paint you thoroughly prepare the old paintwork by cleaning and then sanding to provide a ‘key’.
But most people seem to think you don’t need to bother too much with paint preparation anymore. Especially as it’s hard work (to do properly), tedious, boring and not very glamourous, especially when compared to the lovely feeling of sliding on that fresh paint.
The problem with skimping on preparation is that your great looking finish just won’t last. Paint preparation is all about adhesion and without the aforementioned cleaning and sanding, the new paint just isn’t going to get a very good grip. This seriously shortens the paints life expectancy because paint has a tough life. Inside or out, paint has to cope with temperature changes, expanding and contracting surfaces, moisture and condensation plus the normal knocks and scrapes of everyday life. And you expect the new paint to stay stuck onto an old dirty surface?
Don’t believe me…..
This old window shows clearly the layer of paint peeling away, clearly not very well adhered to previous layers. The sad thing is that it only takes one lot of shoddy workmanship and all following layers of paint are destined to have a short life. A solid base is essential if your paintwork is to last a long time.
Get busy with the sandpaper!
Stay well