Imagine having a mentor with 35 years practical experience…
What would you build?
Ian has poured decades of useful observations, taken from his everyday work as a professional builder, carpenter and all-round handy fellow onto these big pages.
This A4 sized, soft cover book is packed full of easy to follow tips, tricks and techniques you can use on your own DIY projects.
Learn how easy it is to see the physical world through ‘practical eyes’, build up your skills by learning ‘just enough’ each time to get the job done and constantly gain invaluable experience.
This book aims to inspire, encourage, and motivate you to build up your DIY skills, no matter where you’re starting from.
Save money using your own head, hands, and heart to create something wonderful, fix something you treasure, maintain something you want to keep forever or build something just for fun.
Boost your DIY skills with this book today…

AUTHORS NOTE: In response to reader requests, this book takes all the tips and tricks from my big 450 page book “How to be Handy”, and distils them into this easier to read format. A lighter read if you like. If you’ve been kind enough to buy the ‘How to be Handy’ book, please don’t buy this book as you already have these tips in the big book! …