Sometimes a good clean can work miracles

**UPDATE** Eric the car guy has made a video (’s-video) about how to remove said starter from underneath. It’s interesting, but my bolts were so tight, I’m not sure I could have done it that way… plus I didn’t have the special long bolt at the back that his motor had. Lucky him. Not easy from underneath, but not easy from the top either…. Watch and read and make up your own mind. Good luck! **update end** The downside was that it took 4 hours to remove the thing that needed …

What to do with a cracked watering can?

Make a useful funnel! To get to the funny little place where Honda hid the coolant tank on the CRV means you need a funnel to avoid spilling antifreeze all over. But could I find my funnel set….err, no. Then my eye wandered over to an old watering can that got busted when the kids left it outside and it became entombed in snow and ice for 5 months! A minute later with an ordinary handsaw and hey presto a quick usefully shaped funnel. Just goes to show that you …