I’m so excited you’ve found handycrowd.com!
Because hopefully that means you want to be handy and do practical things. Things like building something cool, or making improvements to your home, or maybe you just want to repair or maintain your stuff.
It’s easy; I’ll show you…
I share the stuff I do here, so you can learn from my skills and my experience (and my mistakes, truth be told!). And don’t worry about the project, because that doesn’t matter much. It’s the techniques, tricks and tips I talk about which are important. You can use these to develop your own skills. Skills you can use on your own projects.

Who the heck-a-doodle am I?
My name is Ian Anderson and I’m a professional builder with a penchant for learning. I’ve been doing all my own stuff (alongside fixing other folks stuff) for more than 30 years and I love all of it! (well, except fibreglass insulation, I don’t like that much)…
Let me help you find your inner ‘handy’ self. Join me on the journey to live a more practical life. Come on in, (it’s free!) and ‘make yourself useful’…
( p.s. Don’t forget to subscribe, I’ll send you a free mini DIY course if you do) Or you can find me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter.
I love helping people, so share this page and help others to ‘Make Themselves Useful’ *wink, wink*
Explore the categories below and lets get started…
Lots more to come, but I’ve been sitting here way too long and I’m heading outside now to make something out of my new pallets…. Catch you later.